+52 (33) 14847024    + 52 (664) 4160315 jhayro@gmail.com

In addition to combined lifting face and neck, many patients who only need to correct excess skin or fat under the chin, or neck bands marked. In these cases, liposuction may be enough in the area to remove excess neck skin and return to his youth. When necessary, and at the same time, you can remove a small amount of skin, and can be arranged muscle bands (platysmaplasty) through a short incision in the crease under the chin.

Intervention to make, in many cases, must be a combination of different methods ( face lift Neck lift + eyelids, etc …)


Face Lift: It is performed with general or local anesthesia and sedation


The facelift and / or cervical lift can be performed with general anesthesia or local anesthesia and sedation. Lasts 2-4 hours and the hospitalization last 12 to 48 hours. The incisions are placed around the ear and under her chin so are not seen as a whole. Recently techniques have become popular with minimal incisions that are placed only in front of the ears and scalp, with which good results with a quick recovery. In the postoperative hematomas will, tightness, swelling, deformity of the face, occasional lack of sensitivity, dry skin, which can last from hours to several weeks. The stitches are removed after 7 days. Returning to work is after two weeks, and sports may be from the month. There may be facial asymmetry for several weeks, and sunshine should be avoided for several months. The result is maintained for about 10 years or more.


Local + Sedation or General


Medium, controlled by medication.

What to expect

Temporary numbness; periocular and neck swelling and numbness disappear within 2 weeks.

Final result

At the 4th month.

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 Masculine Femenine